Multilingual Marketing Solutions
It’s not as difficult for a company to expand on a global level these days, thanks to the advancements in technology and globalisation. Global expansion isn’t reserved for just the biggest companies even. Smaller businesses can achieve success internationally, particularly when they utilise Multilingual Marketing Solutions.
The most important thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to Multilingual Marketing is that it all revolves around identifying what the customer wants and what their response is likely to be. As it’s ever-changing, you need to continuously return to the drawing board and redetermine the above when entering a new area or territory. Although this can feel time-consuming, it’s essential and gleans the best results.
What You can Achieve with Multilingual Digital Marketing
International branding and recognition
Huge Competitive Advantages
Access and Dominate Foreign Markets
Long-term Boost in Online Traffic
Cost-effective and Impactful Marketing
Trackable and Quantifiable
In order to represent your branding accurately in international markets, you need to consider investing in Transcreation rather than literal translations. With our transcreation service, we take the original source material and recreate it into a different language so that it keeps the same cultural context but arouses the same response emotionally for audiences who speak and understand a different language.
Copywriting & Content Generation
We have a team of copywriters who not only write for the audience but produce content that engages them. Using strong emotional words and writing techniques, we can help our customers to effectively communicate and build relationships between them and their own customers as well as increasing the value of their brand and royalty in it.
Search Engine Optimisation
Search Engine Optimisation from TRANSLASIA involves content building, keyword research, on-site & off-site SEO, marketing calendar, and performance reporting for the Asian marketplace to improve the rankings of your services and products as well as improving the experience of your users.
Social Media Marketing
Social Media is big new these days, which is why it is handled separately. With our multilingual social media marketing, we can help you to improve and enhance the awareness of your brand on all the important platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and of course, Facebook. When carried out effectively, social media marketing can help you to increase the number of high-quality leads you can achieve.
As the Chinese market is too big and expansive for a business to ignore, we can help your business to utilise Sina Weibo, Baidu SEO and WeChat marketing to help you connect and engage with your customers and users in China. Improvement and growth can proceed without hassles or great difficulty.
Produce valuable and engaging content
Harness a spectrum of organic and paid acquisition channels
Develop a marketing strategy in line with business objectives
Overseas marketing campaigns from ideation to execution
Manage and maximise marketing ROI
Monitor and report on the effectiveness of marketing communications